
Financial, Medical and Health Disclaimer

Documents, videofiles, audiofiles, and other media are intended to provide general educational information regarding the subject matter covered. They is not intended to provide specific or personalized medical advice or treatment, and the reader is advised to seek and obtain specific and personalized medical advice and treatment from his or her own qualified health care providers. Neither the author nor the publisher assumes any responsibility for any errors or omissions. The author and publisher also specifically disclaim any responsibility or liability resulting from the use of the information and suggestions given in the videofiles, audios, ebook, reports, or from the use of websites, books, or other resources listed or mentioned in this document.

The information provided here offers an educational resource and is not intended to serve as financial or medical advice related to any person’s specific problems.

There can be no assurance that any person’s specific financial or health problems, diseases, or symptoms will heal, recover, or otherwise resolve as a result of applying the information provided on this website or through any other documents, video and audiofiles, or other media obtained for free or through purchase at this website.

There also can be no assurance of safety with or absence of possible harm from any specific strategy, treatment or therapy if a specific person tries such treatment or therapy mentioned in the documents, video and audiofiles, or other media or otherwise applies the information provided on this website or through any other documents, video and audiofiles, or other media obtained for free or through purchase at this website.

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Please assume that we have an affiliate relationship with products and/or services that we may discuss or suggest on this website or in our educational materials. That is, we may receive financial compensation for any purchase you make when you visit other vendors’ sites from links we provide. While we make our best effort to evaluate the quality and value of any products and/or services discussed or recommended here, we are not responsible for any adverse experience you may or may not have in dealing with third parties.


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Unless otherwise expressly stated, you should assume that all references to products and services on this website are made because material connections exist between the website’s owner (“Owner) and the providers of the mentioned products and services (“Provider”).

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3. Potential Bias and Due Diligence.

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Because there is a material connection between the Owner and Providers of products or services mentioned on this website, you should always assume that the Owner may be biased because of the Owner’s relationship with a Provider and/or because the Owner has received or will receive something of value from a Provider.


Perform your own due diligence before purchasing a product or service mentioned on this website (or any other website).


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The type of compensation received by the Owner may vary. In some instances, the Owner may receive complimentary products, services, or money from a Provider prior to mentioning the Provider’s products or services on this website.


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The Owner’s goal is to make your experience using this website a pleasant one. If you have any questions about products or services mentioned on this website, please contact the Owner and have those questions answered prior to making a purchase of such products or services.


Website Owner Contact Information:

CBW Press
10645 N Oracle Rd. Suite 121-126
Tucson, AZ 85737

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